4 Ways To Help Define Your Ideal Customer. Oh yea! And I Reveal the Equation For Success

Your advertising efforts will continue to fail, if you never take the time to define your ideal customer!


Here are 7 ways to build your knowledge and increase your chances at success.

1) Frequently visit popular blogs within your industry or niche

I don’t care if you are a dog groomer that specialize in unique hair styles for Shih Tzus! Someone out there is blogging about it. Today’s webosphere is huge, and every topic has been covered, in great detail, by an individual with a borderline obsession. Use their knowledge to develop your business. Don’t just visit their sites, but interact as well. Look to see what people are saying, and what questions are being asked. Try to pin point repeat issues that you may be able to solve.

2) Utilize social media & online listening tools

Facebook and Twitter are each awesome in their own way. No other platform exists in which you can legally obtain a ton of personal information that, when added all up, define that individual as a potential client or customer. Their favorite movies, TV shows, music, colors, and age! Again, be on the lookout for repeats. If 9 out of 10 potential customers are huge fans of the TV Show Big Bang Theory, then it might be a good idea to incorporate some famous Sheldon Cooper quotes in your advertising. Those connections are not just coincidences.

Visit Search.Twitter.com, and see what people are tweeting about your business.

3) Leverage the power of Amazon.com

In Eric Taylor & David Riklan’s book titled Mastering the World of Marketing, Rich Schefren contributed a piece of content that suggested this concept. He explains, that by using the keywords that best define what you do, and slapping them into to Amazon’s search bar, you can view what people are reporting on the books that show up as a result. This will save you a ton of time reading the material yourself! Some people may love the books, and some people will inevitably hate them. You really want to concentrate on the 5 star and 1 start reviews. Look for similarities, and start documenting what has worked, and what content has failed. This info will become insanely valuable the next time you go to author a blog post.

Give them what they want!

4) Create a digital survey online

SurveyMonkey.com offers the option to create your own 10 question survey that is easily shared on your website, emails, or you can print them out for in-store use. The best part is, the service is FREE if you only develop 10 questions. They give you a ton of options; multiple choice, True or False, and essay style answers. Each type of question will provide you with some seriously cool info. Attach a sweet little deal as a result of completing the questionnaire, and increase your chances in people actually taking action. Put some serious thought into the questions you ask. What information will make your sales process easier? A survey really comes in handy when you are thinking about launching a new product, or providing an additional service.

Find out what the people want, before you spend money creating it.

If you fail to define your ideal customer, you are basically shooting into the dark. Instead of hoping someone likes what you have to say, do a little research, and guarantee them satisfaction!

The man or woman that does two to three times more work than their competitors, will learn two to three times as much.

I would suggest that the same applies to earnings.

Here’s a little equation that sums up the direct path toward success.

Passion x Hard Work = Potential, Potential/Failures = Opportunity, and more opportunities increase your chances of being successful.

To determine misery, just reverse the equation.

But if you take the time to figure that out, you are already on your way to the poor house!



If you are in the marketing business, feel free to spy on us on Facebook!

No matter what industry you call “yours”, it’s important to know what people are saying.




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