Are you scared of SEO, or are you scared of Google?
Google’s recent updates of their super sweet search algorithms, left some site owners gasping for air after they plummeted to the depths of online search.
Their abrupt drop reminded us of two things:
First, in order to play in Google’s sandbox, we need to play by their rules.
No matter what, we as optimizers have to provide a solid service, so it’s imperative that we educate ourselves on what works, and what doesn’t.
I know, easily said right!?
If what works today, is completely forbidden tomorrow, how do we keep up with “Big G’s” demands, and continue to work hard getting sites ranked high on search?
Second… Google is a finicky beast!
They pride themselves on providing the best, and most relevant results for any search query.
So, use caution when attempting any “Black Hat” techniques, that might leave you playing a vicious game of King of the Mountain.
A game in which the loser is never found on the first 5 pages again!
There are several things that you can do on your own to boost your visibility on search.
1) Claim Your Listing On G+ Local
This is more for local search options.
Those are results that provide locations on a map, and are marked with that odd looking upside down teardrop.
By claiming your listing on Google+ Local, you are acknowledging that your business exists, and yes, this is where we are located. Make sure to build your online profile, and completely fill that bad boy out to the max.
If you don’t know some of the info being asked, find the answer and fill it in.
Don’t leave blanks in your profile.
2) Start Blogging
By creating a blog, you are able to create a massive amount of content rather quickly. Placing keywords throughout your writing, will allow Google to index your site based on relevance for a given search query.
And the longer you blog the more relevant you become.
Be sure your post reads naturally, and not robotic!
Example: Bent Business Marketing, is a blog about small business. Small business SEO is the key to small business success. I love small business, because small business allows me to shop locally, while also supporting small businesses. Small business is the way of the future. Long live small business!
See how I used the words small business one too many times?
Create an engaging blog about your niche, or business, and you will start to see a boost in your rankings as a payoff for your hard work.
3) Get Social On The Web
Sign up, and create profiles for as many social networks as you feel you can effectively manage.
Don’t sign up for 3, if you can only keep up with 2.
The chances are pretty good that your next prospect will find you on LinkedIn, and you haven’t touched that profile, or made any updates, in 6 months!
How does that go over with the person who is searching for your services online? Pretty crappy right?!
Build a loyal following using social media, and use that platform as just another venue to post more keyword rich content.
I recommend 2-3 posts daily on sites like Facebook, Twitter & Google+.
In summary, by using a few FREE methods to tie a nice little bow around your product or service, you can not only boost your rankings in the search engines, but you will be creating a ton of brand awareness.
Think of it like this:
You are competing with another online store that sells the same widget as you. At one time, you two were running neck and neck for the top position on Google for the keyword “Your Widget Deals”.
Now, you read this post, and decide to start building an online presence.
You built a blog, where you post twice a week, and use those relevant keywords throughout your text.
Then you create a few profiles on some of the social media hot spots, and post to those sites 2-3 times a day.
Finally, you claim your listing on Google+ Local, and started adding some awesome content on that page too.
You launched videos, and started engaging online with other businesses.
Maybe you even wrote a guest post in a blog for one of your industry’s leading widget builders!
Now you go back and perform that same query you did prior to implementing all those tactics.
WOW! Where has your competitor gone?
All that sweet content you created shows up first, and pushed that clown all the way to the bottom of page two!
You are now the King of the Mountain!
Great for you!….
Now you have to keep that up in order to stay there 🙂
Continue building content, because there will always be some widget seller thirsty for that top position.
Don’t let your recent victory allow you to lose site of the overall war!
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If it is, I forgive you, but you need to cruise on over and tap that Like button ASAP 🙂
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photo credit: davemc500hats via photo pin cc